Sylvia Plath Forum

Send us your thoughts/ideas/comments

This forum is intended as one where discussion and exchange of points of view/information about SP's work can take place. It is not a site which promises to do students' thinking/essays for them.

Before posting to the Forum students seeking help on theses, essays, presentations and analyses of particular poems are advised to look at the extensive bibliography provided, the FAQ section and the individual poem analyses present on the site. All the books mentioned in the bibliography are useful to Plath studies and can be easily obtained in the US or in the UK, libraries and (in UK) the Inter Library Loan System.

Reading the Forum contributions and archives thoroughly will also give any student a good idea of what the major questions are about Plath's work. Your work should be given far higher grades if you can work out your own answers.

Recently, we have received a number of messages all typed in lower case. We may amend these if the messages are really worthwhile, but it would help us if you would correctly use upper and lower case. This would also help maintain the good grammar and punctuation of most forum messages. Many thanks.

Your message:

We encourage people to publish their emails so that correspondence can take place between those who contribute to the forum. However, if you would prefer your email not to go on the web, please check the box to the left

This forum is administered by Elaine Connell, author of Sylvia Plath: Killing The Angel In The House. Web Design by Pennine Pens. This forum is moderated - contributions which are inappropriate, anonymous or likely to offend may be edited or omitted.