Sylvia Plath Forum


With my partner’s help, I maintain this site as a hobby. I never imagined when we started this in 1998 it would become so popular.

We do have overheads and time working on the site is time not working to pay our bills. We know many people have found the site useful so we would like to offer people a way to make voluntary payments

If this site has helped you I hope you'll consider helping us by clicking on the button on the right. Think of it as buying us a cup of coffee or taking us for lunch!

We don’t expect people to make a contribution, especially not our regular contributors who have already helped to make the site as interesting as it is. However, we would like to provide an avenue for those of you who would like to give us a boost.

Thanks! Any contributions will be used to develop and continue the Plath Forum.

Elaine Connell
Enter a number representing an amount in dollars. Click the button below. In our secure payment area, you will have the opportunity to convert this to a local currency.